Wednesday, September 11, 2024

September 9, 2024

 Twenty-two talented artists attended the TAGY meeting in Room 2070 of the Park County Wyoming Complex:  Barb M., Ben, Judy, Ellen B., Sue S., Pam H., Jan W., Jeanne, Ginger, Ellen D., Laura G., Barb P., Sydney, Alice, Jan H., Juanita, Vanda, Lili, Cyndy, Nancy, Karling and Carol.

Introductions were made and each attendee told about their first art quilt.


    Post Meeting Announcement:  PAM H. has yet another quilt in the Quilting Arts Magazine that just came out.  Pam, you make us proud!!!

    "Signs" Challenge Quilts are hanging in the Cody Library through September.

    October 7th Program:  Quilt Maps, which is also the annual challenge.  Jeanne and Barb M., will put on the program. 

    Wild Edge in Lovell laser cuts fabric.

Ideas for Programs:

    Repeat Misty Fuse demo.

Christmas Party  January 6th, 2025.  The theme for a gift exchange is "Winter."  Make (don't buy) a gift to exchange and you will receive a gift.  If you don't make a gift, still come!  This is also a pot-luck, so we will all eat delicious food!

2025 Challenge Quilt due July 2025:  "Quilt Maps"

Quilt Wyoming will be held in Powell in 2026 at NW College.  3 National quilt instructors will be coming.

Show and Tell:

Jan H. showed the article in the Powell newspaper from the quilt hanging at First Bank of Wyoming in Powell.  Nice coverage!


Jeanne showing her laser cut quilt.

Jeanne, Laura D., Barb P., Sydney, Alice

The center of Barb's quilt

Cyndy looking at Jeanne's quilt

Ginger...brought cigar boxes as her "free table" item

Ginger and Laura D.

Alice showing her rice bag.  Carol in foreground.

Alice's rice bag.  Lovely fabric!

Sue S.'s wool leaf.  Wow! Lots of handwork!

Famous designer, Cyndy, models her fashionable jacket.  Lili and Ellen B. look on.

The Program:  Vanda and the Waxed Cotton Food Wraps 
Vanda worked really hard preparing for this demo!  She risked burning down her house, alienating her hubby and ruining her air fryer!!!  She spent hours on various techniques and shared with us what she learned.  Each attendee received a kit to try this at their own risk!!

The cute fabric Vanda used for waxing with beeswax. Pine resin and Jojoba oil was also part of the mixture.

During the program

Attempt at a waxed bread bag...the letters bled. :(

More experiments!

Ironing the wax onto the cotton with parchment paper above and below.

Experiments! And ta-dah!  Sandwich wraps!

The only product that removes pine resin (Vanda tried many)!  Also removes oil spots from your driveway!


Food scales, iron, glass measure, coffee warmer...oh my!

Keen interest by all in this process!

The END!!!!  See you next month!

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

August 5, 2024

 THIRTEEN artists were present at the TAGY meeting held in Rm. 2070 in the Park County Complex:  Jan W., Jeanne, Ben, Pam H., Kim, Sue B., Barb P., Vanda, Ginger, Karling, Cyndy, Jan H., Barb M.

Leadership:  Jeanne announced that she is stepping down from leading the meetings and Barb M. will take over.  The meetings started in 2007 after Jeanne and Kathy L. had been to WAVE meetings in Billings. Barb suggested that at our Christmas party we celebrate 15 years of TAGY.

There was lively and caring discussion regarding the decision to be made for challenges and programs.

Programs for 2025:  Some ideas that were discussed: YouTube videos, new supplies, Mini Me.  A program doesn't have to mean hand's on but can be a demo or an educational program. There were other ideas!

Monthly Challenges: These were discussed with topics such as: Fiction, Grow, Time, Haiku, Mixed Media, Fruits and Veggies, Your State or Country, monthly challenge that turn into an annual piece, Lines, Steampunk, 3-D, put odds and ends in a bag and exchange bags. Also, removing size and shape requirement was discussed.  Also, putting monthly ideas into a bag and drawing one was discussed.

Christmas Gift Exchange Theme:  The group voted that "Winter" is the gift exchange theme.  The gift exchange will be at the January 6, 2025, meeting. If you make a gift, you get a gift.  All gifts must be hand-made, not purchased.  This meeting is also a pot-luck. 

Annual Challenge:  Due July 2025.  The group decided on "Maps" as the theme, using fabric.  Haiku came in a close second, so perhaps we use that in 2026 (but who can calculate that far out into the future!)

Programs for Remainder of 2024:

    Vanda--September 9

    Barb M--October 7

    Pam Mc--November 4--Mod Podge ornament

    Jeanne--December 2

Quilt Hanging:  "Signs" and older art quilts were hung at the 1st Bank of Wyoming in Powell.  Photos are at the bottom of this BLOG.  Thank you to Jeanne, Barb M., Laura G. and Jan W. for hanging them.  A reporter from the Powell Tribune was also present and will write an article for the paper on TAGY.

Show and Tell:

Jeanne steps down from leadership. Thank you, Jeanne, for all the valuable work you put into TAGY!

Sue B., Kim, Pam H., Ben

Ginger, Vanda, Karling

Barb M., our new meeting leader

Barb's Memories world map with tags from silk ties from all over the map!

Marybeth's Hobo Texting Signs challenge quilt

Lili's Signs of Encouragement

Jan W.'s tea bag note cards. Bee-utiful!

Jan W. and others went to an applique class!

Aretha!  By Jeanne

Jeanne's Dorothea Lange

Jeanne's Shine On Harvest Moon

Walter Cunningham by Jeanne

Chief Joseph by Jeanne

Human (Children's) Rights by Jeanne

Jeanne's The Raven Signs quilt

Ben's Fit For A Queen--so pretty

Ben's Bearded Iris

Ben's hubby's quilt...likely made by a friend of a friend.

Jan W.'s applique pillow

Jan W.'s Steampunk 20:20 in 2020

Jan W.'s Steam Punk Furnace Pipes

Pam H.'s Black Hole

Pam H.'s Fireworks Down By the Riverside

Pam H.'s Hot Flash

Barb P. expressing her appreciation of the TAGY group.  I was touched by her words.

Barb P., City Scape panel.  Love the colors!

Pam H.'s tea bag notecards

Ginger's Fantasy Flora

Ginger's Who Lives Here?

Ginger's Tactile Challenge

Ginger's Fireweed quilt

Ginger's Doors quilt


Cyndy's Purple Angel

Cyndy's What a Bunch of Blooming Yo-Yos!

Cyndy's Horses

Cyndy's Dragonflies (wish it was mine!)

Jan H.'s Fantasy Flowers

Jan H.'s Go Fish!

Jan H.'s Don't Fence Me In

Ben's postcard

Ben's Bearded Iris

Barb M.


Pam H. (lookin' sassy!)

Ben :)

Barb P.

Sue B.

Ginger, Vanda, Karling

Jan H.'s tea bag notecards

Quilts Hung in 1st Bank of Wyoming--thank you Barb M., Jeanne, Jan W., and Laura G. The Powell Tribune reporter interviewed Jeanne and Barb M.