Monday, June 7, 2021

June 2021

The June TAGY meeting at the Cody Library was well attended. It was announced that the July meeting will be held on July 12th, since the library will be closed on July 5th. Judy volunteered to do a program on July 12th. 

Jan W is collecting "Artist's Statements" for our challenge quilts "What Inspires You" and "Shapes". Both challenges will be displayed at the Cody Library in July. We will hang the quilts on Thursday, July 1st at 10:30 am. Your help is appreciated. 


The Challenge Quilts will then move to 1st Bank in Powell where they will be displayed for the month of August. 

 Marie announced the Red Lodge Quilt Show will be held on Labor Day in September. She will check to see if we can hang our Challenge Quilts there. We are encouraged to enter other quilts as well. 

 A reminder that our Monthly "Letter" challenge for June is "A", and July is "F". They are to be small, postcard or trading card size. 

Show and Tell was wonderful as always. Photos of some of the incredible small pieces are shown. We weren't able to get photos of all the wonderful pieces, so this is just a sample.
The program was on journaling, and "morning pages", by Jeanne. This is a way to clear your mind and be more creative.  Each person was given a notebook and asked to write for 5 minutes.  It doesn't matter what you write, just whatever is in your mind at the moment. We were encouraged to get in the habit of doing this each day.

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