Tuesday, November 8, 2022

November 7, 2022

 Twenty-one wonderfully creative people came to the TAGY meeting on November 7th, 2022, in the Grizzly Room at the Cody branch of the Park County Library:  Jan W., Judy, Ben, Sue, Kris, Barb M., Marie, Jan O., Jeanette, Alice, Jan H., Vanda, Susie, Lili, Sue, Barb P., Linda, Arlynn, Dena, Mary and Carol.

Jan W., reminded folks to wear their name tags.  A pin on name tag or a table tent is ok.

Ben read the thank you card she wrote for the flowers and card we sent to her.  Hugs to you, Ben.

Hobby Fair:  Jan H, Jan W and Jeanne manned the table at the library's Hobby Fair October 21 and 22nd.  Some of our new faces today were from the contacts made there.  Here's our table:

November Challenge (due today):  Carol talked about the challenge that was due today:  A water soluble stabilizer.  Here are some of the show-and-tell's from this challenge:
Jan H's leaf




Barbara Harrison's bowl purchased by Lili.  So cool!



Jan W's beaded leaf on top of Pam's yarn feather (shoot the photographer!)



Alice's bowl

Carol's...um...not stabilizer, but it's a leaf!

Barb M's mug rug leaves

Ben's beautiful leaves.  The hoops were also gorgeous!

Show and Tell:  

Marie is into silk tie dying!!!



Kris' quilt that she is putting together for a very special friend. It has specific references to this person's life.

Judy's hearts

Judy's beautifully embellished heart

Barb M's ombre fabric--inspired by Kris' idea.  The perfect fabric for the stole, below.

Barb M's stole for a friend who is becoming a priest.

Jeanette's beautiful scarf!

Soooo soft!

Linda's finished feather (program from last month)

Alice's hearts...making them for a friend with an illness.

The heart project from Quilting Arts Magazine.

Sue S.'s

Linda's creations using tools

Linda and her tools

Jan H's hearts

Water soluble stabilizer heart-Jan H.

Jan H., took a machine embroidery lesson. (Eltrut Violet was her turtle's name as a child)

Vanda's quiet book--I want one!! You can remove the animals and place them with their parents.

Challenge due at December Meeting: Kris presented the Challenge for December, which is "OBSTACLE":

December's Program:  Everyone!! Bring with you a last-minute Christmas present idea.  Bring an example of it and the pattern for it.  We can help each other out in the short time before Christmas!!

Annual Challenge:  The group came up with many ideas for the annual challenge theme:  Pair/Pare/Pear, Something Old/Something New, Noun/Verb/Adjective, Techniques/Color, City Streets or Roads, Pet Peeves, Color Wheel, Self Portrait, Make Me Laugh, One World, Eclipse, Books, Crosswords, When I was a Child.  Whew!!

The group voted on their favorite and Pair/Pare/Pear won by 5 votes!  This challenge quilt, due summer of 2023, should be no more than 100 inches in perimeter.  Irregular shaped quilts are encouraged!  

Today's Program:  Marie gave us 3 lessons in screen printing.  

    1. Marie took vinyl fuse gloss and made an image and cut it out.  She laid it over sheer fabric (like curtains from thrift shop). She ironed on the image.  Then used duct tape on the edges.  

    2. Marie took sheer curtain fabric, duct taped the sides.  She used Mod Podge for where she didn't want paint to go.  Her hollyhock design was a bit too detailed for this to work. 

    3. Marie got an expensive framed screen.  She used blue drawing solution.  She painted an image on.  Red filler was also used.  Thick screen printing ink was used.  It was a very involved process.

    The conclusion she came to that it may be easier just to stamp fabric than to screen print.

On a side note, Marie further explained how she dyed fabric with Habotai silk and silk neck ties.


    THE END!

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