Monday, September 25, 2023

September 11, 2023

 The September 11, 2023, TAGY meeting was held in the Grizzly Room at the Cody Library.  PLEASE NOTE:  future meetings will be held in the U.W. Extension office meeting room #2070 on the second floor of Park County Complex Building (same building as the library). In attendance were 23 talented and fun members/guests:  Alice, Penny, Ann B., Sue B., Kim L., Barb P., Cyndy, Pam H., Lili, Ben, Judy, Jan W., Jeanne, Carol, Lynn, Karling, Jan H., Ellen B., Vanda, Ellen D., Pam Mc, Susie, Mary and Rusty.


Challenge due at October meeting:  Using the free beading trim that circulated around the table, make something!  If you didn't take beads, then make something from what you have picked up from the free table sometime.

Next Month's Program:  Barb M.  Watch your email!

Email:  If you brought a guest, please forward this email to them. 

Ellen reported that Mark Barcus is holding another leather tooling class.  Google Cow Camp Saddlery or check him out on FaceBook for more information. (update:  it appears his webpage is down right now as he looks for another web provider, so check out his page on FB)

Lili reported that Jeannette has received many of the hearts we sent to her and has strung them across her room! 

Christmas Party Theme:  BUBBLY.  The Christmas Party will be held January 8, 2023.  If you want to participate in the gift exchange, go for it:  make a gift that is Bubbly!  It must be hand made; not store bought.  You don't have to participate, but it is fun!  Otherwise, do participate in the pot luck!

Show and Tell including the Bandana Challenge:

Getting started...Kim shows her bandana dog treat bag.  Sully is a lucky dog, Kim!

Rusty's cute cuff with bandana

Alice's fabric booklet

Pam Mc's crocheted bandana hotpad

Ellen is happy about the shirt she made and how lovely the perfectly sewn buttons are! (see last month's program)

Ellen models Rusty's cuff

Sue made re-usable sandwich bags

Sue's bags...

...and used bandana on some. So cute!

Barb P's very gorgeous quilt

Jan H's bandana pumpkin

Karling talks about Dignity Dresses for Africa  
                                                    Little Dresses for Africa (

And the dresses can use bandanas and tees.

Lili has a bandana heart


Kim's doggie treat bag

Susie has a bandana scarf tied nicely around her neck


Vanda is at it with wood sign, mod podge

Vanda's Christmas tree skirt

Ellen De's bandana skirt.

She's just so cute!

Ellen also loves to crochet

As a crocheter, I can appreciate the complexity of the stitches!

Up close of Vanda's Christmas decor

Vanda's Christmas tree skirt

Ben's hexis!  So pretty!

Judy with Ginger's hot pads

Birdie pin cushion by Ben!

Judy was recently honored with an Honor Quilt from the Meeteetse quilters!  Thank you for your military service, Judy!


Carol shows off her new bag

Ellen models Carol's bag

Judy's hot bandana hot pads

Ben!  I love this!

Jan W.'s bandana for hubby, Craig. True Love.

Jan H.'s bandana banner for her RV

Jan H.'s apron bandana.


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